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So, I overdid it before I even realised it.

Some of you might know, and some might not be aware yet, that I have been struggling with Lyme disease, and subsequent chronic fatigue and suspected fybromialgia. 
I have been doing quite well in the last 4-5 months, and a lot of the symptoms, such as slight but constant fever, pain, numbness of my limbs, and general exhaustion, have mostly disappeared. 

So I started exercising daily again. I love exercise. Moving my body makes me feel alive, keeps my mood up, and gives me the energy boost for the day. In fact, I love exercise so much that I love pushing my limits, feeling that burn, and watching myself getting stronger and going further every time. At the time, I didn't think I was overdoing it. In fact, I could have pushed a few per cent harder to reach my maximum. Until one day, my body stopped working with me. It became slow snd heavy. So I pushed a bit more. It was just a bad day, I thought. I pushed again the next day. Soon, I began waking up with stiff and achy joints and muscles. I took a few days rest. It didn't help. The pain didn't change. I sleep on the futon on the floor, and I began having problems getting up on my feet. My brain became foggy, my vision blurry. I have been so deeply tired that I could sleep all days ... And then I recognised it. I've had this feeling for years. It's chronic fatigue, slowly creeping back. 

So I find myself here again. I hope that this time, I recognised it early enough that my preventive measures will help me come out of it sooner than the last time. I am positive and determined.

Plan for the next weeks: Be mindful of what you eat. No sugar. No coffee. Exercise softly, stay on your 5-20 per cent. Sleep a lot. Emilinate stress. Meditate. 
And as frustrating as it is when you have to admit your own weakness - love yourself!



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